Title: Peacemaker Kurogane
Director: Tomohiro Hirata
Original Creator: Nanae Chrono
Number of Episodes: 24 (complete)
Plot Summary: Tetsunosuke Ichimura had always been updet about his short stature. After he sees his parents being murdered by a Choushuu assasin right in front of him, he vows with all his heart to become strong enough to take revenge on their killer. It is now 1864, the first year of the Genji era. Tetsunosuke, now 15 years of age, heads to the headquarters of the Shinsengumi with his older brother Tatsunosuke, looking to join the historical group to fulfill his dreams of getting stronger. Little does he relize what he is about to experience by doing so, for in order to join this army, one must forego his humanity and become a demon.
REVIEW: I had always been a samurai fan; I have watched almost eveybig named samurai anime out there from Samurai X to Samurai Champloo to Samurai 7 to... Bakumatsu Blah Blah Blah BLAH (Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto)! ^_^ And in the long line of samurai anime that left me breathless was Peacemaker Kurogane.
This one was definately a Shounen anime from the very beginning. Lots of blood, flying guts, foul languages, sparring matches of brut strength, mysteries, loud brash little boys, and little to no sparkles & flowers to cover a romantic kiss scene! >_< Yet it still kept me coming back for more with it's heart pounding fight scenes and explosively beautiful animation.
The characters, for this series, are all more or less well developed. Yet at time it seemed as though the anime was looking for opportunites to place these 'well developed characters' in. The story itself might have been just a tad less intersting had it not been for those "forced" character appearances, yet at times one could not help but welcome such awkwardness.
The story is rich in history but in comparison to say Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto or Samurai X for that matter, Peacemaker pales in it's accuracy in depicting the historical figures of the past.
The animation was very pleasing to watch as it blended a mix of soft and jagged lines onto the scene making the series constantly intersting to watch.
Overall: And yet through all the critisism, one could not help but love the story more and more with each episode as you watch a boy begin his journey of life by finding himself on the path inwhich he had choosen to embark on. A path filled with deadly assasins, demon-like Vice Captians, an annoying crossdressing spy, a super sweet mute girl, a pig with a serious additude problem, and a mission that will turn into the grandest adventure in the eyes of a 15 year old boy growing up during the heat of a Revolution.
Overall (dub) : B
Overall (sub) : B+
Story : B+
Animation : B
Art : B+
Music : B